Liz Marz is a Self-Love Empowerment Coach

I am a seeker of meaning, purpose, depth, and connection to something greater.  Some people call this energy ‘God’, I prefer using the word ‘Source’, or Higher Power.

3 days before my 30th birthday I lost my father after a short 8-month battle with cancer.  My father was my protector, the safest most dependable person I knew.  Losing him was unimaginable.

Up until this point in my life I found myself fitting into other peoples boxes.  I had examples set by family, friends, and society that showed me a certain path.  I so badly wanted to fit into this path and it was painful when the things I wanted seemed to be happening for everyone else but me.

At that time, I was in my 8th year of living in NYC, in a 6 year career in the corporate beauty world making more money than I could have ever imagined, and I was in a 6 year relationship with a beautiful person who loved me deeply.  

Why wasn’t I fulfilled?

There was a deep stirring in my core.  

I knew the career was not going to bring my ultimate fulfillment, it wasn’t the highest use of my gifts and had started to drain my life force.  My partner, although such strong support, didn’t want the same things as me.  I knew I needed to make some changes. 

Days after my 31st birthday I followed my intuition and moved myself to Los Angeles, a place where I had felt this force, this energy, and inspiration.  I knew it was time to choose me, to be the very thing I was calling in.  To step up and love myself so much that I was willing to let go of the safe, but less fulfilling path. Thus began the journey of my awakening.  

It takes courage to leave behind people, places, and old ways of being.  It takes trust to go into the unknown and have faith that when space is created more alignment is born.  The embodiment of my commitment to expansion is the crux of my work.  I teach what I know, what I have experienced

My hope is that you’ll find the practices I teach useful in your life as I have found them to be useful in mine. 

My transformational coaching process is inspired by my study of the I Ching, Astrology, Manifestation, Quantum, Meditation, Mindfulness, Tarot, Inner child work, Embodiment practices, and Kabbalah. I have creating a practical, fun, and accessible path toward spiritual growth and evolution.

My Mission is to inspire others to be courageous. I promote looking within to find the answers, taking action towards goals, and becoming the most conscious creator. I help to identify reoccurring themes and patterns that prevent forward movement and create a safe container of commitment where the inner work is used as a tool to break out of old ways of being that no longer support forward movement and growth. 

I am here to remind you that you are a gift, a necessary being whose authentic expression of love and service is needed!